Welcome to the HoopYogini™ Online Teacher Training


My Name is Jocelyn Gordon


HoopYogini™ came through me ten years ago in that beautiful season with the hoop where you just can’t get enough hoop time. I was fully immersed in the flow and movement arts as a Massage, Yoga & Dance Therapist and through my three-hour daily hoop dance sessions, a portal opened, showing me the profound and holistic nature of the hoop.

  • Provides a delightful circulation enhancing massage
  • Became a biofeedback tool that immediately informed my level of presence or distraction 
  • Teaches boundary setting and energetic self-care
  • Was a beautiful ally for stretching and strengthening the body, whilst finding center in heart and soul. 

In these precious moments, HoopYogini™ was born and in 2014, I began teaching others how to deepen into the center of Self and to radiate this connection as teachers, dancers, and humans.

In this training and empowerment journey, you will be guided to establish yourself - to create space in mind, home and life for a daily practice that takes you to your core and roots you to your center so you can guide others into the strength of their being.

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combines hula hooping with yoga and mindfulness meditation.

HoopYogini™ is a Holistic Conditioning experience that utilizes the modern adult-size hula hoop for flow, self-awareness and as a functional fitness tool to strengthen and stretch the body.

HoopYogini™ explores the organic relationship between the spontaneous spiral experience of hoop dance and the more linear and direct technology of hatha yoga.

The circular nature of the hoop gently encourages movement, freedom of expression, conscious daydreaming (a lost art for most adults!) and improved range of motion.

Stretching with the hoop in familiar hatha yoga patterns releases mental and physical tension, develops present-moment awareness, and affirms healthy beliefs and actions.


Dr. Shara Downey, Chiropractor

“It’s rare that I can find a program that actually keeps the consistency of the spine, the health, posture and just brings breath right through and into the spine on a daily basis. That’s what the HoopYogini Spinal Awakening Series does.”

> Find your teaching voice

> Be a leading-edge holistic fitness educator

> Cultivate a daily movement and meditation practice

> Enjoy the healing benefits of yoga, dance, and meditation

> Live more from your center and your truth 

> Feel less separate and more connected 

> Add more joy and sensuality to your yoga practice

> Bring more breath and grace to your hoop dance

> Teach and support others in their transformation

> Help people feel more safe, confident, and alive in their bodies

> Uplift lives 

Genevieve Mac

HoopYogini™ Certified Instructor

"I love From the Core! What a great workout! I'm also loving this as a daily practice. Feeling so much more grounded in my flow and daily life."

Erika Machuca

HoopYogini™ Certified Instructor & Mentor

"Before HoopYogini, I had fallen off with a consistent daily seated meditation. Maintaining this has helped me connect to my breath and body via mindfulness."

The Seven Holistic Components of HoopYogini™


Learn the anatomy of respiration and how the hoop can assist in the re-education of the breath through direct massage and intelligent stretching with the hoop. Explore an overview of the different systems of the body and how the HoopYogini™ practice can improve health, immunity and mood.


Learn the six movements of the spine and understand how to encourage full range of motion for structural, emotional and energetic health.


Explore energetic anatomy - the energy centers, sheaths and layers through which you can access your energetic empowerment. Develop the ability to infuse intention into your classes and learn how to direct your students to be present in each moment.


Learn how to develop a daily movement and meditation practice that drops an anchor into your intuition and wisdom. It is from this space that you guide your students into a calm and expansive state of awareness.


Learn how to develop a daily movement and meditation practice that drops an anchor into your intuition and wisdom. It is from this space that you guide your students into a calm and expansive state of being. Gain specific guidance and templates on how to instruct your students with language that inspires and communicates safety. Learn how to speak to the individual experience even within a group class. Guide your students on how to take the benefits of their HoopYogini™ practice into each aspect of their lives. 


Integrate the above through intelligent sequencing. Included are waist hooping and off body (the hoop held in the hands) sequences that explore the hoop as a resistance and weight bearing tool to stretch and strengthen the body.


Experience ease and grace in the hoop, your dance, meditation, and your life. Develop witness consciousness and observe the magic and creativity that flows within the lives of your students, and from your consistent HoopYogini™ practice.



This online training is a four month (16 week) journey + three bonus weeks.

 (and yes, you can move at your own pace)

Cheryl Kilper

HoopYogini™ Certified Instructor

"I've learned so much through [the] HoopYogini Online Training that I have to giggle whenever I'm in YTT [yoga teacher training] and hear something I've already learned.  Finally did some practice teaching in YTT last weekend and let's just say I nailed tadasana."

Teffanie Thompson

HoopYogini™ Certified Instructor & Mentor 

"I love the movements of module 3 and the direct tie-in to some of my favorite yoga postures. I love when putting all together with the modules in order can create an actual class model with warm-up, class, and cool down with stretches." 

The 7 Modules of HoopYogini™ Training Content 

I. Establish Yourself
II. The Seven Holistic Components of HoopYoginiā„¢ and the doctor-approved Spinal Awakening Series
III. From the Core
IV. Integrative Cool Down
V. Marketing Module
VI. Intro to Teaching HoopYoginiā„¢ to Kids & Teens
VII. Intro to Teaching HoopYoginiā„¢ to Seniors

Lifetime Access to the Training, Plus...

16 Live Q & A Calls

For additional support and connection with community

Downloadable Manuals

300+ pages plus informative and inspiring articles

25+ Instructional Videos

Set in a beautiful home in Bali, Indonesia



with Hoop Luminaries & Master Teachers

Teaching Scripts & Required Reading Lists

to help you build your practice and community

Weekly Email Connections

with your Mentor (up to 16 correspondences)

Two 30 Minute Coaching Sessions

with your Mentor

Community & Encouragement

An Accountability Angel and Peer Support

Continuing Education Hours

Upon course completion, submit your certificate to Yoga Alliance, AFAA, ACE, and more for credit hours


Isamar Gonzalez 

HoopYogini Certified Instructor & Mentor

“I started hooping when my daughter was a toddler. I wanted to get back in shape and hooping helped. I discovered Jocelyn and HoopYogini in 2014, took the training and I’ve never looked back - the circle is an integral part of my life, art and mission. HoopYogini gave me direction and focus. It became a way to get fit and to explore my sensuality through a structure and daily discipline. It also became a way to make an income and support my daughter through my company, Hula Nation. I am now making a global impact and creating a non-profit which focuses on helping impoverished communities learn new skills that will help them pay for education and economically empower their children and forthcoming generations. (The Circle of Life).

Certification is delivered upon successful completion of online coursework and quizzes (reviews provided each week within the course), turning in assignments, and satisfactory demonstration of teaching within our community Facebook group (options for other platforms if you are not on Facebook). 

Successful demonstration of your teaching ability will be expressed through two videos that you’ll be required to submit. Your HoopYogini™ Master Trainer will review and return feedback on your teaching.  

Within our private Facebook group, you will also post two videos of yourself engaged in Alchemy & Flow - you linking each move and posture into a flowing dance. You will receive a global round of applause from your peers in our certification tribe.

Upon Your 200 Hour Certification:

You will teach & guide

Transformative movement meditation experiences with and without the hoop

Seated, standing and moving mindfulness meditations

Standing postures utilizing the hoop as a yoga prop

Breathwork and energy focused classes that uplift and enlighten

Expressive dance journeys


Certification Milestones

Milestone I

Get SAS Certified (available to you at week 8 of the training)

Milestone II

Complete your 200hr Certification (designed as a four-month journey)

Milestone III

Become a Mentor, guide others and go deeper with your practice (available upon invitation when you graduate with your 200hr cert!)

Milestone IV

Become a Master Trainer and take things to the next level with advanced trainings and mentorship 

Embody Center 

This training provides you with the tools, guidance and encouragement to cultivate a daily movement and meditation practice. 

With the hoop representing life’s changes and challenges, you learn how to stand, sit, move and be in the center - the still point observing life’s dance.

With the resources you gain from a daily return to your practice, you begin to prioritize self-care, embody your center, and more graciously respond rather than react to triggers and uncertainties.





Find Your Voice & Teach From Your Core

The Seven Holistic Components of HoopYogini give you a template for first engaging in your own personal practice and then expressing empowerment through your voice, energy, words and sequencing.

You integrate what we call “Oppositional Languaging” which creates a cadence and rhythm for your student/s to let go, tune inwards and connect with their inner resources. This powerful and unique approach can also be applied to traditional hatha yoga classes and guided meditations. 

With our core belief that “transformation can be fun,” your certification empowers you to transmit your wisdom and inspiration through hoop dance, hatha yoga stretches and sequences assisted by the hoop, and guided meditations.

Cultivate Self-Love & Community Support 

Our global community of inspired teachers and trainees frequently comment on the strong energy of encouragement and positivity they experience within the certification circle. 

Mentors, students and peers have become friends despite timezone and cultural differences.

The circle visually represents a container of compassion and the hoop represents the sacred web of life of which we are all connected. 

Consciously remembering your presence within the hoop (and dance of life) connects you with a vast network of love, support, and awe.



Jocelyn Gordon 

Mother, Dancer, Teacher, Embodiment Coach, E-RYT 500 Yoga Teacher and World Traveler

She is the founder of two holistic fitness programs that combine dance with yoga and mindfulness meditation – HoopYogini™ and Bhakti Boogie® Yoga and was featured in Yoga Journal where they called her a “Yoga Rebel” for her integrative movement modalities. 

Having studied, trained and taught Dance, Yoga and Massage Therapy for over 20 years, Jocelyn provides a multi-disciplinary approach making self-care, self-restoration and self-realization accessible, enjoyable and relevant to the modern yogini and mindfulness practitioner. 

Jocelyn mentors and trains a global tribe of instructors through her HoopYogini™ Teacher Trainings and online programs and has been featured in Origin Magazine, Conscious Dancer, GaiamTV and as a lead instructor in the Gaiam produced HoopBody DVD with Academy Award winning actress, Marisa Tomei. She was recently the Meditation Guide for the Essence Magazine Virtual Wellness House and featured on Apple News. Jocelyn toured with Wanderlust and has had the pleasure to perform with and open onstage for Elizabeth Gilbert, India Arie, Nahko & Medicine For The People and more. 

Jocelyn believes that transformation can be fun.

Indra Fibonacci

HoopYogini  Director of Student Success, Nutritionist, Neuroscience Educator & Health Coach

Miss Indra Fibonacci is passionate about movement, brain health, nutrition education and awareness. She is from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, where she works as a Holistic Nutritionist and offers online programs that guide life and nutrition hacks that promote the creation of comprehensive health.

Indra embraces HoopYogini™ as a power tool to create space and connection between body and mind.

A few members of the Mentor & Master Trainer Team

Nicole Stevenson

Lead Master Trainer, Inspired Waldorf Educator, the first-ever HoopYogini™ Certified Instructor 

Bailey Zemborrow
HoopYogini™ Mentor, Masters Level Therapist, YA Continuing Education Provider
Teffanie Thompson

HoopYogini™ Mentor, Award-Winning Social Justice Author of “Dirt”

The World is Your Playground & the Possibilities Are Endless!

Where You Will Teach...

Yoga & Dance Studios
Schools & Community Centers
Retreats & Special Events
Therapeutic Settings
Corporations & Conferences

How You Will Teach...


Who You Will Teach...

Kids & Teens

Are you a yoga studio, fitness enterprise, or business looking to certify five or more of your instructors? 

Click this link and we'll schedule a time to discuss your needs.



Receive Bonus Training

  • One-to-one mentorship 
  • 16-weekly live training sessions 

  • Monthly community tune-ups

  • Certification to teach hoop dance, yoga, and meditation

  • Stretch & Strengthen Certification adding 20 additional standing hatha yoga postures to your toolkit (value $250)



Five Monthly Payments

  • One-to-one mentorship 
  • 16-weekly live training sessions 

  • Monthly community tune-ups

  • Certification to teach hoop dance, yoga, and meditation




Ten Monthly Payments

  • One-to-one mentorship 
  • 16-weekly live training sessions

  • Monthly community tune-ups

  • Certification to teach hoop dance, yoga, and meditation


A portion of your tuition will go to one of these amazing organizations

Bumi Sehat Midwifery Clinic
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Provides free health and perinatal care to Indonesian families.

Black Mamas Matter Alliance

A Black women-led cross-sectoral alliance advocating a shift in culture for Black maternal health, rights and justice.

National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

Committed to reclaiming the sovereignty of tribal communities and safeguarding Native women and their children.