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21 Personal Development Books for the Soulful Hula Hooper

Sep 05, 2019


personal development

Personal Development is Essential for
Awakening the Soul 

Have you ever randomly picked up a book and read something so perfect and relevant to your life at that exact moment? Did it freak you out a bit? Well, don’t let it. Understand that the Universe will always give you exactly what you need for the most growth and personal development.

There are many people who will go their whole lives and never work on themselves.

The world has a way of shaping our views and beliefs, making us afraid, jaded, tired, and downright depressed. However, if you are willing to spend a few minutes every day to focus on your thoughts and working out/in your mindset, you can reshape your perspective of the world. Just as you work out and care for your body, it is imperative to do the same for your mind. This is what we refer to as personal development.

Personal development includes:

  • Developing fitness and resilience in body, mind and energy
  • Breaking bad habits and creating new, healthy patterns
  • Forgiving yourself and others for mistakes and hurts
  • Becoming more present and aware
  • Healing from past trauma
  • Finding your life’s purpose
  • Improving your quality of life
  • Fulfilling your potential

And, of course, anything else you need to change into order to be a happier more fulfilled version of yourself.

In the HoopYogini™ curriculum, we practice personal development in the form of mindfulness meditation

In the Spinal Awakening Series, we ask practitioners to set a prayer, wish or intention for their life. The small act of setting a goal or an intention is powerful. Some people will deny their desires, rather than owning them and declaring to themselves and the Universe that they know what they want and are worthy enough to receive it.

As a Certified HoopYogini™ instructor and an online Health and Fitness Coach, part of my daily routine is doing personal development. It is a non-negotiable task every day to read at least 10 pages of a book (self-help, business, inspirational) and/or listen to at least 20 minutes of something positive or inspiring such as Abraham Hicks, which can be found for free on YouTube.

Here is a list of books that I personally recommend for personal development in no particular order:

  1. The Hoop and The Tree by Chris Hoffman
  2. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  3. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
  4. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  5. The Gifts of Imperfectionn by Brene Brown
  6. Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop
  7. Entrepreneur Rollercoaster by Daren Hardy
  8. Ho’oponopono Secrets  by Paul Jackson
  9. The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
  10. Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt
  11. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  12. Personal Power through Awareness by Sanaya Roman
  13. Succulent Wild Woman by SARK
  14. Glad No Matter What by SARK
  15. Make Your Creative Dreams Real by SARK
  16. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
  17. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
  18. Tears to Triumph by Marianne Williamson
  19. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  20. The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks
  21. Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks


We are Challenging YOU to 21 days of Personal Development!

By committing anywhere from 10-30 minutes a day, you can drastically change your mindset, your outlook and your life. For 21 days, we challenge you to:

    • Hoop for 10 – 30 minutes (download our Foundational Practice Bundle of five videos to begin your hoop journey or take your hoop practice to a new level)
    • Read a minimum of 10 pages of a self-help/personal development book
    • Listen to or watch an inspirational video, class, lecture or speech

We hope that you will take this challenge as an opportunity to become a better version of yourself.

Check out the HoopYogini™ Programs below to find one that will put you on the path to personal development!

Erin Self-Love

Written by: Erin Wood

Erin is a certified HoopYogini™ instructor who enjoys sharing her love for Hoop Yoga with as many souls as she can. Erin is passionate about self-love. She is dedicated to her mind and body! Show her some love by sharing and discussing this article.

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